India’s new war memorial is a monument in Delhi made to honour its Armed Forces and those brave soldiers that lost their lives for the country.
Recently inaugurated by India prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi, designed by WeBe architects of Chennai the war memorial spreads over 40 acres in four circles around a central obelisk were an eternal flame represents the immortal soldier.
Each circle, or Chakra, represents a virtue for the soldiers: Immortality, Bravery, Sacrifice and Protection.
The lighting design has been developed by Mr. Abhay Wadhwa Design Principal and CEO of AWA and his team.
Aldabra, in partnership with Vis a Vis in New Delhi, has supplied to the project more than 1600 pieces of its recessed fixture “Aldabra Selene” in a special version to fulfil the requirement of Mr. Wadhwa for a such prestigious and holy location.
Further than “Aldabra Selene”, “Aldabra Eclips” have been installed too adding this location of absolute reference to many other prestigious ones worldwide.